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Class topics: Planets



  • Mars has 2 moons:  Phobos (larger) and Deimos

  • Approximately the same surface area as Earth, even though smaller overall size, due to no oceans
  • Surface Pressure equivalent to standing on top of Mt. Everst (~30,000ft)
  • Color derived from iron oxide compounds

Introduction to Mars



  • Earth has an average temperature of 59F

  • Atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen
  • Water constitutes about 70% of the surface, as well as a portion of the atmosphere, depending on location


Why Can Life Exist on Earth?

  • Life as we know is capable of existing on earth for several reasons:
    - Temperature Range
    - Presence of Water
    - Presence of Oxygen

  • Higher animals need oxygen and water readily available to perform metabolic processes in order to sustain life
  • Animals and bacteria benefit from a temperature range suitable for enzymatic reaction

Comparison of Earth and Mars

  • Mars is one tenth the mass of Earth

  • Mars has a diameter about half that of Earth
  • Both planets have approximately the same Rotational Period (24 hours)
  • Mars is one and one half times the distance from the Sun when compared to Earth
  • Average Temperature on Mars: -85 F
  • Mars' Atmosphere is 95% Carbon Dioxide, 3% Nitrogen, and <0.25% Oxygen


Texas Lutheran University: BIO131 with Dr. Bill Squires

This course defines issues facing humanity with space travel to Mars and possibilities on how to overcome any obstacles



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Copyright (c) 2006 Texas Lutheran University. All rights reserved.

Instructor: Dr. Bill Squires, Webmaster: Getoar Mjeku