Answering practice questions is an excellent way to cement your knowledge of material and determine  mastery of the content within a lesson. Answers to the questions are listed at the bottom.

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1. Although exercise improves appearance and physical capability, it has little actual effect on preventing diseases.
    a. true
    b. false

2.  Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility, flexibility and body weight control are all examples of
    a. clinical-related fitness
    b. caloric-related fitness
    c. performance-related fitness
    d. health-related fitness
    e. none of the above

3. Research shows that most adults should engage in ____________ exercise most days of the week in order to experience a reduction in risk for diseases.
    a. low-intensity
    b. moderate-intensity
    c. high-intensity
    d. passive
    e. none-exercise has not been shown to decrease risk for disease

4. The "wellness" approach utilizes which type of fitness? 
    a. clinical-related fitness
    b. caloric-related fitness
    c. performance-related fitness
    d. health-related fitness
    e. all of the above

5. The ability to repeatedly apply force is called
    a. cardiovascular endurance
    b. muscular strength
    c. muscular endurance
    d. flexibility
    e. progression of exercise

6. Exercise has been shown to be effective in short-term, quick weight loss programs.
    a. true
    b. false

7. Increasing the duration of a fitness walking program is an example of  
    a. the overload principle of exercise training
    b. the reversibility principle of exercise training
    c. the progression principle of exercise training
    d. the recuperative principle of exercise training
    e. the specificity principle of exercise training

8. The upper body muscles not experiencing a conditioning effect from stationary cycling exercise is a good example of 
    a. the overload principle of exercise training
    b. the reversibility principle of exercise training
    c. the progression principle of exercise training
    d. the recuperative principle of exercise training
    e. the specificity principle of exercise training

9. Gradually and systematically overloading in order to condition to an appropriate level of fitness is the purpose of the
    a. initial conditioning phase of an exercise program
    b. improvement phase of an exercise program
    c. maintenance phase of an exercise program
    d. temporary phase of an exercise program
    e. none of the above

10. The goal in this phase of an exercise program is to prevent boredom and establish a lifelong fitness habit
    a. initial conditioning phase of an exercise program
    b. improvement phase of an exercise program
    c. maintenance phase of an exercise program
    d. temporary phase of an exercise program
    e. none of the above

11. Overtraining results in
    a. an  increased energy level
    b. fatigue
    c. could be either a or b

12. Which of the following would not increase exercise adherence?
    a. planning a reasonable exercise program
    b. exercising in a facility close to one's home
    c. limiting the exercise session to no more than 1-hour in duration
    d. making exercise an important priority
    e. all of the above would increase exercise adherence

13. In an exercise session, the longest phase would be the
    a. warm-up
    b. conditioning
    c. cool-down
    d. none of the above, all are approximately equal

14. The "how hard" part of the exercise prescription is called the
    a. method
    b. frequency
    c. duration
    d. intensity
    e. progression

15. The "how often" part of the exercise prescription is called the
    a. method
    b. frequency
    c. duration
    d. intensity
    e. progression



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Score Interpretation:

14 - 15 correct = excellent
12 - 13 correct = good
10 - 11 correct = average
08 - 09 correct = below average
     < 08 correct = needs improvement

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. E
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. E
13. B
14. D
15. B