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Answering practice questions is an excellent way to cement your knowledge of material and determine  mastery of the content within a lesson. Answers to the questions are listed at the bottom.

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1. The factor having the greatest impact on a person's health in the U.S. is
    a. government and insurance companies
    b. personal attitudes and health (lifestyle) habits
    c. the medical system
    d. fate
    e. none of the above

2. Unlike the early 1900's, morbidity and mortality are now caused mostly by
    a. lifestyle-related disorders
    b. infectious or communicable disorders
    c. genetic disorders
    d. problems with the healthcare system
    e. none of the above

3. The best definition of a state of "wellness" would be
    a. freedom from disease and disability
    b. freedom from responsibility
    c. enhancement of surgical therapy
    d. enhancement of personal potential and quality of life
    e. none of the above

4. Lifestyle habits and personal characteristics which increase the likelihood that a person will develop a particular disease or disability are called
    a. risk factors
    b. disease markers
    c. lifestyle liabilities
    d. disabilities
    e. none of the above

5. A person can experience optimal wellness as long as most of the dimensions of wellness are developed.
    a. true
    b. false

6. Belief in a higher power, greater force or larger purpose in life is part of the
    a. physical dimension of wellness
    b. emotional dimension of wellness
    c. spiritual dimension of wellness
    d. intellectual dimension of wellness
    e. social dimension of wellness

7. An important hallmark of wellness is
    a. reliance upon government health programs
    b. self-responsibility
    c. medical system responsibility
    d. acceptance of fate
    e. all of the above

8. It is estimated that at least _____ of the factors affecting health are within the control of the individual.
    a. 10%
    b. 16%
    c. 21%
    d. 53%
    e. 84%

9. According to most behavioral models, beliefs and values determine a person's attitude.
    a. true
    b. false

10. A person with a strong sense of self-efficacy believes they are
    a. incapable of accomplishing a task
    b. capable of accomplishing a task
    c. neither capable or incapable of accomplishing a task
    d. not supposed to try to accomplish a task
    e. none of the above

11. A person who believes that their health is largely under their own control has an
    a. internal locus of control
    b. neutral locus of control
    c. external locus of control
    d. none of the above

12. A person who understands the value of exercise, but does not exercise has a
    a. bad attitude
    b. cross-behavior complex
    c. motor function disorder
    d. health behavior gap
    e. none of the above

13. Health behaviors are "learned" responses which cannot be changed.
    a. true
    b. false

14. Which of the following is not a step in a lifestyle-change program?
    a. assessing behavior
    b. setting goals
    c. formulating intervention strategies
    d. evaluating progress
    e. all are steps

15. For most people, lifestyle changes must only be attempted under the direction of a trained healthcare professional.
    a. true
    b. false


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Score Interpretation:

14 - 15 correct = excellent
12 - 13 correct = good
10 - 11 correct = average
08 - 09 correct = below average
     < 08 correct = needs improvement

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. E
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. E
15. B