Save the pup

Texas Lutheran University

News Article

As a student here at Texas Lutheran University.  We need to show the community of Seguin that we are here to help.  When we offered the computer classes in the Library Basement many people from the community showed up.  The skills ranged for person to person.  Even though we only had a limited amount of time with the members, they were so thankful for our help.  By us helping some of the people in the community that accepted our help we were able to shorten the digital divide.  This digital divide is the gap of generations and the technology advancements between those gaps.  By some of the community members coming to our sessions, we were able to connect with these people and answer any questions that they had for us.  This also shows that the students here at TLU do care about the community and the people that live in Seguin.

Civic Engagement in the Digital Divide: Values, Strengths, and needs of the community members

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