Software Application Project

News Article

The civic engagement experience I went through in this software application class was very rewarding. I learned that there are members within the community that do not possess basic computer skills but would very much like to learn. Several individuals wanted to learn how to use social networking sites such as Facebook, while some simply wished to pick up basic skills like shopping online or working an email account.

The community members that came into the classroom for help were very polite, energetic, and eager to learn. The feeling of helping them pick up a small computer skill was amazing, I never thought anyone would be so appreciative of learning the “skills” I have for the most part thought little of. All the students that had the opportunity to work with a community member gave their full attention and did their best to impart some basic knowledge on computers.

The community members brought their own knowledge to share as well. Members shared their own stories, gave advice, and made it an overall enjoyable lesson. These individuals clearly valued education, as they said good things about the university and encouraged us in our current studies. They showed courage in coming to get help, since instead of accepting their lack in computer skills they chose to put themselves in the hands of others.

The needs community members expressed most were simple ones. Just a bit of help on working an email account, or using Google to do some research. Helping these members was actually fun, as seeing someone understand a concept through your own personal step-by-step instructions puts quite a smile on your face. Some community members did come in with questions on specific problems that could not be addressed here, such as at-home printer problems. Still, students answered these questions as best they could, offering several potential solutions to every problem.

All in all, community members were very grateful for what we students could teach them, and we students were happy to help.

Helping an individual learn basic computer skills.

Civic Engagement in Digital Divide: Values, strength, and need of the community members