Civic Engagement

                 The digital divide, as the term suggests, is a gap between those who are comfortable performing functions and adapting to technology and those who have not yet been able to bridge this gap and aren’t as comfortable working with computers and digital technology. To a college student, it would seem that everyone has a smart phone and knows how to perform relatively complicated functions, and most of us don’t even have to consciously think about it when we do them. However, this is not the case for many people and, therefor, we have been given the opportunity to help bridge this divide through our civic engagement sessions in class.

                 One of the most important things about our civic engagement sessions is that it is mutually beneficial for both the community member and the student because the community member is able to expand their comfort zone and knowledge of digital technology while the student is able to deepen their fundamental understanding. Furthermore, it helps the students feel connected with the Seguin community instead of just enclosed within the Texas Lutheran University campus.

                 The Seguin community seems to be very closely-knit, many people know each other from somewhere and genuinely care about each other. Furthermore, those that came into our civic engagement sessions brought a positive attitude and were patient enough to take on the challenge of learning the way the digital world works and learning how it can benefit them. Community members were also extremely thankful and appreciative of my efforts, which brought me satisfaction. This is why I believe that the community really does value what Texas Lutheran can facilitate, a positive learning environment with bright students to help shine light on the path. The Seguin community needs this light and for us to help bridge that digital divide and every student has something to offer. Even if it is as simple as showing someone how to create and use an email account, the pride that both teacher and student gain is great. I enjoyed these sessions and hope that they continue!

Digital technology can open up new worlds of knowledge!

Image from:

Civic Engagement in Digital Divide: Values, Strengths, and Needs of the Community Member

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