Tania La Gesse’s Website

News Article

In my applications software class I was able to help certain members of the Seguin community to learn how to use a computer. Many of the were wanting to be able to communicate with their friends and family through the internet either by Facebook or email. I was able to help them learn exactly how they can do this. Others felt that it was important to learn about computers today and therefore came to the class to learn.  They had become tired of having to ask their friends or family how to do things, and some of them said that when they asked for help the person would do  everything for them and so they did not learn anything. Some people came into the class so that they could learn how to use excel in order to do important calculations that would help them immensely.

The needs are very great , some of the community members did not even know how to use a mouse correctly. I spent much of my time in one of my classes simply teaching a community member how to use a mouse correctly. Although I was not able to show her too much else, other than how to navigate through webpages on the internet, she thanked me. This shows the appreciation the community members have for being able to learn anything about the computer, and the value that they place on learning simple tasks on the computer.

The importance of learning how to use a computer is getting higher and higher as more jobs require you to use computers at some point or another and as more applications for jobs are found online. Learning how to use a computer can mean so much to the community members. It could mean  being able to communicate with their family and it could mean getting a job.

Computer literacy is becoming more and more important everyday.

 Image taken from: http://broadbandandsocialjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Computer-Literacy-300x207.png

Civic Engagement in Digital Divide: Values, Strengths and Needs of the Community Members