Texas Lutheran University

About TLU

At the end of my spring semester of 2014 at TLU, I will graduate with a Bachelors in Communication Studies with a Journalism specialization with a minor in English studies and Public Relations.

Through my degree from TLU I hope to accomplish many things throughout my life. I hope to write as a journalist for a major newspaper or magazine, or to work in public relations for a big company. Without my degree, I would be unable to achieve the income that I will be making.

Through my career at TLU, my mind has also opened up to a lot of new ideas and different ways of thinking. I really love the liberal arts program that is provided here because it has enabled me to gain knowledge in a lot of different subjects. This will be useful during my work in the newsroom because news covers several different aspects of life.

This is a picture of the beautiful chapel at TLU. It provides a beautiful view to look at when glancing outside a dorm room window.

What I chose to do with My time at TLU

The TLU football team works hard to earn a win!