College Life

Money. Career. Social.

All About Me

                 I’m a pretty simple person when it comes to the concept what I like to do for fun, I’m not that hard to please. My favorite thing to do for fun is being with my family and boyfriend just hanging out at the house either playing cards or just talking. Eating and sleeping are  the other two things that I love to do when I’m alone at my house. If I’m just going to have a lazy day my favorite thing to do is just sit around the house with J.T., lay on the couch and watch movies and eat snacks all day long. Softball is the other thing that has keeps me busy and happy throughout my life. Shopping is what I love to do on my time off on the weekends especially when I have the time to go home and go shopping and to the movies with my mom and grandma. I also love to attend sports events and games, Texas sport teams are who I root for, especially the Texans! The things listed above is what I love to do for fun when I’m not stressing about the college life.


My supporting softball parents!

Astros Game with my boyfriend, J.T.!