Civic Engagement in Digital Divide

Values, Strength, and needs of the Community Member

Digital divide

Surprisingly, many community members of Seguin are falling victim to the digital divide, which is the lack of knowledge some individuals in this country have when it comes to understanding computers. Community members are wanting to learn but are often times embarrassed by this lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is important to reach out to the community and help with this digital divide problem. Seguin is a great community we all work together in providing assistance to one another. Therefore, we can all work together in solving this digital divide dilemma. Some of these problems range from a simple task of using a mouse, to even something more social oriented like uploading photos to Facebook.

It was a great experience having community members come into the classroom and receive help from students. One could just tell how each and every person was relieved to finally get assistance from someone with computer knowledge. They all left with valuable content they could use in their daily lives.

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