TLU and Civic Engagement

Learn Boldly. Live To Inspire.

Anna Midkiff

I’m a freshman at TLU and I work at King Ranger Theaters here in Seguin. In my spare time I pretend to write poetry.



“Stones and Earth”

You built a mountain, once

By night, beyond reach of mortal eyes, machine eyes—

And passing it in morning, once

I thought, how strange it grew so fast,

Like rabbits bred the stones and earth.


And when finished, all eyes came to see

Its pining heights, as jagged as anything molded by time—

You pointed out fresh things to see

But all I saw were barren slopes

No green grew on your stones and earth.


And then, because then I knew,

I climbed on the mountain-foot, felt it crack—

Heard you cry and scream, I knew

Your mountain was but hollow glass

The sheen disguised by stones and earth.

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