Class information


Class topics

Planets -


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In Memory of Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia



UTMB/JSC Aerospace Medicine (Requires RealPlayer)


Mars Habitat References

Good Overview

Engineering Design with Dimensions

Plant Growth

Picture of Habitat and Zubrin reference

Resources for Kids, Students, and Educators

FMARS Haughton Crater Simulator

Introduction to Earth-based Research on Mars

Information on Operations in MRDS


International Society for Gravitational Physiology


"Studying the Earth from Manned Spacecraft ?" by Dr. William Muehlberger

Historical Archive

Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) California Institute of Technology

JPL Robotics

Image Gallery of Mars (including Possible Designs for Bases and Vehicles)

Living In Space

Mars Rover and Updates

MARS 2004

Mars Madness!

NASA Astronautics History

NASA Benefits

NASA History Office

NASA Human Spaceflight

NASA Official Mars Website

NASA Space Exploration

NASA Space Science

National Space Science Data Center

President Bush Speech -- NASA to Mars (Quick Time)

Research Aircraft

Vision for Space Exploration (PDF)



Texas Lutheran University: BIO131 with Dr. Bill Squires

This course defines issues facing humanity with space travel to Mars and possibilities on how to overcome any obstacles



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Copyright (c) 2006 Texas Lutheran University. All rights reserved.

Instructor: Dr. Bill Squires, Webmaster: Getoar Mjeku